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What is a Big Life Moment?

  • Career Changes

  • Getting Married

  • Getting Divorced

  • Becoming a Parent

  • Moving

  • Graduating

  • Retiring

  • Empty Nesting

  • 1/4 Life Crisis

  • Midlife Crisis

  • Losing a Partner

And all parts of the human experience where one chapter closes and a new one opens.


Big Life Moments happen to all of us. They’re complicated. They’re often messy. Feelings run hot and cold. We need help in these moments to unpack those emotions, to move through them and understand them, and figure out the best way to make the most of the transition we are going through.

Found Bridge is here to help with that.

Who is an ideal client?

  • Someone who is looking for insight, growth, and motivation

  • Usually functioning well and looking for continued improvement and self-knowledge

An ideal client for coaching is not:

  • Someone experiencing active addiction

  • Someone with untreated mental illness

  • Someone who wants to focus on trauma work

These clients may be more suitable for therapy or recovery services.

Coaching does not include diagnosis or treatment of mental disorders or illness.

Coaching is often more solution focused – focusing on the present and getting to where you want to be in the future.

Coaching is more flexible than therapy, and the format can be customized to client’s needs.

Click here to read more about the difference between therapy and coaching.

While Therapy is only offered in New York, our coaching clients can live anywhere and receive virtual services.

There is not a regulatory board that oversees the coaching industry the way there is for therapists. This means that it is very easy for people to call themselves coaches. While therapists are required to meet ethical standards and complete continuing education, the same is not true for coaches. There are a range of professionals who coach and it can be challenging to know who to choose. While some may have advanced training or certifications, this is not required. Because I am also a licensed therapist, clients can be sure that they are working with a trained professional.

Types of Coaching Offered

Individual Coaching

Do you feel stuck or unsure which direction to go next? Do you want to break unhelpful patterns that no longer serve you? Do you want to build confidence and move forward in your life? Coaching may be a great fit for you.

Relationship Coaching

Learn behaviors that result in satisfied partnerships and behaviors that result in breakups or dissatisfaction. Assess your strengths and challenges and build on strengths to overcome those challenges. I am a level 3 Gottman therapist with years of experience working with couples.

Business Partner Coaching

Managing a professional relationship can be challenging. This service is not business coaching, it is primarily focused on how to maximize the relationship between partners for optimal functioning.

Contact us!

We look forward to hearing from you.