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Couple’s Workshop

This is a class based on the internationally acclaimed research of Dr. John Gottman as presented in his book, The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work.

If a couple’s relationship is strong, this class will provide them with tools and insights to make their relationship even better. If a couple has a distressed relationship, this class can provide a road map for repair. In addition, I find that many clinicians and their spouses attend our class as a means of personally experiencing the Gottman Method and find it to be personally enriching and a great professional resource.

It is my mission to reach out to couples that they may benefit from the class’s research-based insights and tools.

If you or a couple you know is interested in registering or finding out additional information about the class, please fill out the form on the bottom of the page.

The Seven Principles of Marriage Leader Badge

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We look forward to hearing from you.